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Well, hello there...
So thrilled to see you!

I'm Helene.

Your Content (Co-) Creator BFF
Founder: The Butterfly Blueprint for content transformation

Come on in, and let's chat.

Just in case we haven't met before, here's a little about me.

I help people who rely on words to transform their written communication

into stellar, individualized, high-converting content

that sounds exactly like themselves—only better.


I've put my expertise to work for more than 4,000 individuals and companies.

I can't wait to partner with you, too!


Let's get started right now.



 But here's the thing: Writing well IS HARD.


  • I slaved more than 15 years on a single piece before it was published (and nominated for The Pushcart Prize).

  • I spent 56+ hours perfecting a retail brand’s tagline that clocked in at just six words.

  • I regularly have full days after which all I can show for myself is a three-sentence paragraph.


Now that you’re totally discouraged, let me make it worse.


Editing yourself is EVEN HARDER.


That’s because thorough and high-quality self-editing is a required part of the writing process,

not “a nice add on if you have time to review,”

and definitely not just “a quick proofread.”

But who has time?


You’re an expert in your career, an up-and-comer, a solopreneur.

You have spent your one wild and precious life (thanks, Mary Oliver)

mastering your subject matter, tackling pain points, breaking through obstacles,

reaching new levels of success,

and building quality (and lucrative) relationships.


Or maybe you're just getting started.

You don't have years to spare to master the skills needed to write and edit like a pro. You need quality content now.


Now that I’ve plunged you into the depths of despair, let me throw you the lifeline.


It’s me. I’m your lifeline.


I’m your language expert. Your master wordsmith. 


My programs and services teach you write materials that sound like you, only BETTER. 


If it exists in written form, I have written or edited it.


And I will put my lifetime of expertise to work for you.


In the words of the great SNL duo Hans & Franz: “hear me now and believe me later.”

I’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt so many times

my virtual dresser overflows its drawers with multicolored cotton crew necks.


I can’t wait to work with you, too. 

                    Look, I’ll tell it to you straight.

You don’t have to have a bunch of fancy degrees (although I do)

and you don’t have to spend decades diving deeply into the nuances

of craft, style, voice, genre, audience, narrative,

thesis development, or sentence diagramming (although I have)

to improve your writing.

And you sure don't have to throw up your hands in frustration

and just take whatever ChatGPT churns out

because it's "good enough, I guess."


Here’s a partial list of client assets I've helped transform


press releasesnewsletters feature articles advertorials direct mail research reports promotional materials brochures | blogs posters radio scripts video scripts display ads email campaigns social media menus annual reports speeches  fundraising proposals academic manuscripts | presentation decks | sales letters web copy executive bios | stewardship reports | strategic communication planscase statements | mission statements event scripts and programs core values statements | invitations FAQs crisis communications policies executive summaries | ghostwriting


...and bespoke assets for most any use imaginable.

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But you don’t know anything about [the thing I do] or [my niche experience]. Isn’t that a problem?

Not at all. In fact, my lack of expertise in your specific business means I am approaching your communication needs pretty much exactly the way your cold audience would. You educate me on your topic, point of view, and style, and I’ll partner with you from there to make sure you are truly communicating what you intend, and in the clearest, most compelling way possible.

There are lots of writers/editors/coaches out there. How do I know if you're the right one for me?

Overeducated/underemployed hourly (and sometimes salaried) worker, struggling parent with young children, scrappy entrepreneur, cog in the corporate machine, middle manager, program director, volunteer, executive director, C-Suite corner office holder.


I've been all of these things, and more. The point is: I. Get. You. 


I'd like to think my experience and client/student testimonials speak for themselves, but nothing replaces good old-fashioned human connection. Don't hesitate to shoot me a message so we can discover if we are a good fit for each other.

There are lots of writers/editors/coaches out there, and they charge $XX. Why should I pay $XX to work with you? Can you match their price?

If you're here, you're already well aware that premium services from master practitioners aren't just an unnecessary upsell. You really do get what you pay for.

Think about your own area of expertise. What do you sell? What service do you provide? Is your only market position that you undercut the rest? Frankly, would you want it to be?


I'm not the least expensive writer, editor, or teacher you might find, but my prices are 100% competitive with the best. I know, because I'm one of them.

Instead of asking if I can match someone else's rate, ask that someone else if they can match my customized, bespoke, premium-quality (and decades-earned) knowledge, service, and integrity.

Why do I need a writer or editor at all? Can’t I just use an automated tool?

Oh, honey. No. Please don’t “just” use an automated tool. While they can indeed be very helpful (I use some of them myself, especially for spot checks and final proofs), they are soulless machines.


Many suggestions/corrections/flags they generate are not quite right or just plain wrong. The user must have a good understanding of grammar and writing conventions to separate the wheat from the chaff.


Consider the humble calculator. If I don't know that 12 times 12 equals 144, then I won't recognize a calculator error of 1440 when I have accidentally mistyped a numeral. Similarly, if I don't know the difference in meaning between affect and effect, I won't recognize an erroneous correction.


The tools are just that—tools. When your words matter, you need an expert, not a tool.

You’ve worked with so many “big deal” clients. Am I too small a fish?

Absolutely not! While my client list includes household names and global brands, it also includes hundreds of super niche or hyper local clients. In some ways, the “small fish” can make the biggest splashes in their respective ponds.

In my teens and early twenties when I spent all my ice cream-scooping money on concert tickets, I finagled my way into the front VIP section for David Bowie, Peter Gabriel, the Monkees, John Waite, Duran Duran, U2, Phil Collins, Journey, Bryan Adams, and the Michael Stanley Band (If you know MSB, you know). I'll help get you to the front row for your audience, too, no finagling needed.


And for the record, all my clients are big deals to me.

Do you have a favorite project or client?

I genuinely enjoy all the clients who choose to work with me. They are all wonderful, inspiring people who bubble over with ambition and intelligence. My life is all the better for having them in it.

If I had to pick a project I'm most proud of, it might be the proposal that successfully brought in a two million dollar investment for that client. Or it might be the display ad that generated a local-level client's record-smashing single day sales. Or the grad student who paid me to write a bespoke poem to frame for his wife as an anniversary gift. Or maybe my favorite project is yours? Let's find out!

What's on your bucket list?

OK, this isn't a FAQ related to my business, but I wanted to tell you more about me!


I've given skritchies to a pregnant koala bear,

acted in a Peloton commercial,

fed and bathed a 25-year old elephant,

been interviewed on television right after the Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia died,

won the front row seat lottery to Sting's Broadway show The Last Ship (and saw Hamilton's original cast on Broadway too),

gone into labor at an Amiri Baraka reading,

interviewed Pulitzer-winner Charles Simic for a book on contemporary writers,

scored a bogie on lucky hole #13,

brought a handful of houseplants back from the dead,

and plugged my ears at a monster truck rally.


I'm content to live my life joyfully and completely, surrounded by exceptional friends and beloved family, even though I will never, ever, no never outlive the lengthy list of books-I-want-to-read list.

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